NWC Tester

Check NWC string

Enter NWC string

Status: Not active yet

Check permissions

Enter NWC string

Status: Not active yet

Make invoice

Enter NWC string

Invoice amount

Invoice description

Status: Not active yet

Check invoice

Enter NWC string

Enter invoice to check

Status: Not active yet

Pay invoice

Enter NWC string

Enter invoice to pay

Status: Not active yet

Get balance

Enter NWC string

Status: Not active yet

List transactions

Enter NWC string

Enter an optional "from" timestamp (no tx created before the specified timestamp will be returned -- use epochconverter.com to convert a date/time to the 10-digit timestamp format needed here, also known as unix timestamp format)

Enter an optional "to" timestamp (no tx created after the specified timestamp will be returned)

Enter an optional limit (a number of txs equal to or smaller than your limit will be returned)

Enter an optional offset (the first n txs which *would* have been returned will be skipped, where n == offset)

Select an optional invoice type (if set, only invoices of the type you selected will be returned)

Status: Not active yet