Zero Fee Playground

Welcome to the zero fee playground. Click to read an explainer.

Step 1

Send funds to the following address on testnet4 -- this will constitute your "funding transaction."

You can use this faucet if you don't have any testnet4 funds:

Testnet4 Faucet

Step 2

Enter an address where you want your funds to end up

If you don't know where to send them, you can send them to my testnet4 address:


Step 3

Choose whether or not you want to use the new "P2A" address type. (P2A means pay-to-anchor.) This new address type is unique in several ways: first, it has a new dust limit of only 240 sats; second, it's less than half the size of a "regular" bitcoin address; third, there's only *one* address in the entire P2A category, so every transaction that uses it "reuses" the same address; fourth, it's an anyone-can-spend address, meaning it has no private key and you can spend money from it without signing anything. It's not required to use P2A addresses in zero-fee transactions but this address type was created for use in these types of transactions, so consider using it just for fun.

Step 4

Hit submit. A pair of two transactions will be generated; the first pays no fees and will send your money to a "passthrough" address. The second pays "double" fees and moves your money out of the passthrough address and into the address you chose as a final destination. A box called "step 5" will appear containing the two transactions in "raw" format (aka hex format) and it will also explain what to do next.